
Showing posts with label life's mistakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life's mistakes. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Now I know better so I'll do better!

Most people who know me aren't aware how much I love Oprah's new OWN television network. I started watching shows on her network when the network first started. I'm not even into tv, but I love, love, love the OWN network.

Oprah just started a new show about two weeks ago called Oprah’s Lifeclass. I love this show so much. I am DVR'ing all episodes and watching them when I'm lying in bed at night.

Last night, Oprah was talking about people who have made mistakes in their life and how most everyone has regrets or wishes they could go back and do things. I myself have so many regrets. I had some really rough years in my teens, twenties, and into my early thirties. There are situations I wish would have never happened, relationships I wish I would have never gotten involved in, people I wish I would have never come in contact with - or known. There are certain things about myself or my life  I wish were different. Wishing I would have taken a different path for myself, gone to college sooner, etc.. Oprah mentioned at one part in the show last night that her friend, the great Maya Angelou told her one time, "Now you know better so you'll do better". That really hit home with me.

Life is a lesson to be learned. We learn new bits and pieces every day. Our lives are like puzzles. We need to get the right pieces to make us a whole puzzle. A finished puzzle. I'm not finished with my puzzle yet. Are you?